Our company is specialized in restoration and conservation of cultural monuments
 THRACIAN SANCTUARIES - Banite village, Smolian
Banite municipality, Smolian district. Monuments of National Importance
Sanctuaries in remote areas of the Rhodop mountain dated from V - ІV millenium and late bronze age (ХV – ХІ c. BC.
The tasks performed are: Cleanup and marking of the terrotory of each sanctuary, restoration, conservation, and covering with protection coatings. 
Construction of visitors path and information center.
Investor: Banite municipality - 2008

Sanctuary “CHUKARIA” Bosilkovo village
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Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 28 Mesembria street, Tel/fax: 032 / 630 550, e-mail: reststroy@abv.bg